The 2017/18 Board of the Women’s Business Network
Demi Baltussen – President
“My name is Demi, I am a third-year IBA student and I will be the President of this academic year. I am a firm advocate of gender equality, since I believe women are often underestimated while they usually have outstanding academic performance and great ambitions. They seem to excel in transformational leadership and this potential should be noticed and unleashed. Biases and insecurity often withhold women from reaching top positions, and it is time to get rid of these habits. Therefore, female students should be encouraged and empowered. WBN is a great platform where this can be facilitated. Through WBN, I hope to encourage female students to chase their dreams and become role models which are so hardly needed. When envisioning a CEO, people should not just see a white man, but also the possibility of a woman and other backgrounds.”
Jana van den Bergen – External Relations
“My name is Jana, I’m a third year International Business Administration student and I will be the Commissioner External Relations. Next to my studies I like to pursue my passions for fashion and sustainability, including gender equality. I find it hard to read and hear about the injustices women still face every day. From young girls being taught by Disney movies that they need a prince to save them to business women being declined or not getting offered a top position because of today’s gender biases, the current situation is stopping women of all ages and backgrounds from reaching their full potential. Through WBN, I see an opportunity to change these injustices by encouraging and empowering female students and convincing companies of the great leadership potential and other skills women have to offer. I hope we will create a powerful network of motivated, ambitious, knowledgeable and confident women. In the end, more women in leadership positions will improve the lives of women in all the world.”
Julia Janse – Treasurer
“Hello! My name is Julia Janse and I am currently in the 2nd year of International Business Administration. As treasurer, I oversee the books and budgets of the Women’s Business Network. A very challenging role, as the financial resources are scarce for this young study association and it is very important to allocate them effectively. Having lived abroad for several years, I have been exposed to how women are treated differently in doing business in various parts of the world. Even here in the Netherlands, women still earn less than men for the same position! I am strongly motivated to make a change, and WBN will be the first step!”
Mandy Yang – Events
“Hi, my name is Mandy Yang and I am the new Events commissioner. I have become a coach for Lead Your Future which is an organization that encourages and empowers business opportunities for young females. As coach, I will be playing a supportive role during the interventions with the future talents and I will get in touch with interesting companies. Those companies are working to broaden their diversity. Gender equality is a world economic issue; however, the changes are gradual. Females have to prove their skills and WBN is founded to reach more opportunities for them. Besides, attending our events will be a great chance to network!”
Julia Lazar – Marketing online
“My name is Julia, and I am a 3rd year International Business Administration student from Hungary. During the past few years I became passionate about gender equality, and especially about finding new ways to fight it. I joined the WBN because I believe it’ll give me the opportunity to mix my interest with practical experience, and allow me to make a difference. As being responsible for online marketing, my goal is to maximise our exposure and to connect with as many fellow EUR students as possible. I aim to empower, encourage and engage with young females, and hope to attract all of you to join our events and activities!”
Gregory Wagner – Marketing offline
“My name is Gregory and I am a British/German trilingual. I am in my third year reading BSc International Business Administration at RSM. It may at first seem strange that as a male I have joined the Women’s Business Network since its goal is to empower female students. However, it is also about addressing the gender gap. This is an issue that affects both women and men and I believe it is a cause worth fighting for, regardless of one’s gender. That is why I am eager to start work on the board of WBN as Commissioner Marketing (offline)!”