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Our Values

Women’s Business Network (WBN) is an association striving to close the gender gap by bringing young women together with inspirations and opportunities. By organizing events that focus on networking, representation of women in different industries, and on raising awareness of unconscious biases, we want to help students to start their careers and reach their full potential.

Our vision is to strive to close the gender gap and inspire ambitious women to achieve their full potential.

Three Pillars

WBN wants to make a positive impact on society by breaking down barriers that might hinder especially talented female students from reaching their full potential. To reach our mission of gender equality, we focus on three main areas:

1. Networking

The networking aspect is incorporated into the name ‘WBN’ itself and is thus a cornerstone of the association. WBN seeks to create a platform for its female students to build a strong network that can be a valuable asset also once they start their professional careers. Furthermore, through activities organised together with companies, we promote ambitious women to succeed in the business world. The ‘Networking’ pillar of WBN is based on its strong member base and forward thinking corporate partners.

2. Representation

If we can’t look up and see women who have been successful in certain industries or roles, it becomes harder to see ourselves reaching those positions. Moreover, gender disparity in leadership roles remains largely unchanged and various stereotype biases keep undermining women’s leadership aspirations. Therefore, WBN wants to bring forward female leaders and inspiring women from different industries to provide role models that female students can relate to, and who can encourage our members to reach out for leadership positions.

3. Engagement

The existence of the gender gap has long been an undisputed fact but too little progress has been made to properly address it. We at WBN truly believe that if we can engage a larger audience in the discussion on diversity and inclusion, we can also come up with better solutions to tackle the problems regarding gender inequality. We also want to bring awareness to the unconscious biases that all of us, regardless of one’s gender, have. Therefore, WBN wants to engage all the students at EUR in this discussion so that we can achieve the best possible solutions together.

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