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Finance Gala: Women’s Business Network and Female x Finance

On February 7th, the Erasmus Paviljoen lit up with excitement as the Women’s Business Network and Female x Finance hosted their first-ever finance gala. Geared toward propelling careers in finance, the event brought an evening of networking, inspiration, and practical insights for ambitious female students.

The event kicked off with a panel discussion featuring professionals from ABN Amro, Anterra Capital, Middle Ground Capital, Sustainable Capital Group, and Alvarez & Marsal, sharing important tips and knowledge for breaking into the finance sector. From mastering the fundamentals of the interview process to charting career paths through negotiating, attendees gleaned valuable insights into the nuances of the finance world.

Throughout the evening, attendees could also seize the opportunity to network, creating important connections. Conversations flowed effortlessly, covering topics ranging from investment strategies to career aspirations. As the gala drew to a close, attendees departed with valuable insights and connections.

Overall, Women’s Business Network and Female x Finance Gala delivered on its promise, providing a platform for ambitious female professionals to connect, learn, and draw inspiration.

If you want to be part of such an inspiring environment, don’t hesitate to attend our future events!

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