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Salary Negotiation Workshop with Blanca Vergara

On the 18th of February we had a pleasure to host Blanca Vergara, an expert in salary negotiation that provided us with an exciting and useful workshop on how to negotiate your income. We had a great time, and definitely learnt a lot, however, in case you forgot any minor details, she was more than happy to come up with the follow-up below!

Handling online salary requests

Employers may insist that you put an exact salary requirement number in a box on their online job application sites. Here are solutions to make the most of such online salary requests.

If the job posting includes a required numeric salary box:  

  1. Research the going rate and then either enter an amount toward the lower end of that range, or enter the salary that you want (based on your salary history, the position requirements and the going rate based on your salary site research). 

Risk: You may price yourself too high or too low for the position.

Solution: Impress the company’s decision makers through other means, such as by asking an influential person to vouch for you, contacting the hiring manager through LinkedIn and building a relationship, sending a letter or email convincing them of your abilities, or calling them directly.

If the salary request does not require that you complete a numeric salary box.

  1. Ignore the request. 

Risk: You may not get an interview because you didn’t follow directions.

Solution: Write, “I’d like to arrange a meeting with you to learn more about the job and to discuss the salary range. I think you will find that my salary requirements are quite negotiable dependent upon the job duties and benefits.” 

2. Include your salary history rather than your salary requirement. 

Risk: If your former salary was higher than the going rate or what you believe the company wishes to pay, you can be rejected before you ever get an interview. 

Solution: Include your salary history, then, “Please note: I do not require making the same salary and am, in fact, more interested in working very hard in a satisfying job experience.” If you fear being rejected for being paid too low, include your salary history and then say, “My most recent position was a survival position while seeking a job in-field. My going rate in-field is $____.”

3. State that your salary requirement is negotiable. 

Risk: An employer may pass you by because you are being evasive.

Solution: Expand upon your “I’m negotiable” statement. Say, “My salary requirement is negotiable. I am so eager to become part of XYZ Company, I’m sure we can work out a range that will be mutually agreeable.”  

4. State a range, rather than an exact figure, to leave the door open for negotiation. Say something like, “My salary requirement is in the $60,000 – $70,000 range.” 

Risk: Employers may opt to pay you at the bottom of your range rather than at the top.

Solution: Add a qualifying statement so you can negotiate higher later: “An acceptable salary range for this position, based upon my research, is $70,000 to $75,000, not including benefits. My requirement is flexible and negotiable within this range, depending on factors such as additional benefits and increased advancement opportunities.”

We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did and see you on the next one – we also wish you a successful salary negotiation!

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