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Girls In Charge

Girls in Charge (GIC) is an initiative that aims to provide talented, female students with opportunities to build a supportive network of female entrepreneurs and businesswomen.

They are driven by a single goal; to make entrepreneurship a real career option for female students and to equip them with the confidence and skills necessary to achieve their goals. They do this by providing regular gamified workshops that touch upon many different topics. This year, we decided to collaborate with GIC to help them spread their vision outside of the United Kingdom which is where they are based. Also, it was an amazing chance for Erasmus University students to be able to join these workshops as well! 

There have been 8 workshops so far, each focusing on a different area to master:

  • Personal Branding;
  • Body Language;
  • Online & Offline Networking;
  • Creativity & Business;
  • Starting a Side Hustle;
  • Communication Skills;
  • Resilience Mindset and;
  • Public Speaking.

All of them blessed us with very valuable insights and a motivating network. The program of the workshops started with an introductory lecture where the speaker touched upon the necessary information regarding the topic and explained the steps we should take to improve ourselves. It is not like a university lecture, though. The speakers are the nicest people ever who did their best to make it a safe place for everyone to join the discussions and feel free to ask any questions they may have. After the introduction was over, the real fun part started. All the participants got divided into breakout rooms where they had the chance to practice the steps they’ve learned about. Each breakout room was assisted by 1-2 student leaders who were responsible for explaining the exercises and making sure everyone was having a good time. Since the breakout rooms usually only consisted of 4-5 people, everyone got the opportunity to speak up and have fun!

It has been a great experience to be participants in these events, but there was something that was even greater… Being the student leaders! Girls in Charge was kind enough to let us take part in the making of these workshops, and allowed our board and active members to be the student leaders. Before the workshops, we received training on how to approach participants, what to assist them on, and how to manage the breakout rooms in the best way possible. It was the perfect chance to practice leadership skills and the inspiring connections we made at the end were the cherry on top!

Overall, Girls in Charge is an amazing initiative that every young female should take a look at and consider joining the workshops. We hope to see you there next year!

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